Please make a donation today and share with others.
Ornella Umubyeyi is from Burundi and one of our CMM volunteers.
James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”…
Help build orphanage in Makamba, Burundi.
My friend Carolyn said this:
I have been attending a wonderful small Christian college and so far have my bachelor's and master's degrees in Theology. It's been a really helpful, spiritually enriching environment, and it's reasonably priced. If this has been one of your dreams, this is a good time to enroll. Go to for more info. Classes start in a couple of weeks. Enroll now.
With our Judeo-Christian roots being attacked and attempted government coups spreading let's look at how we can save and impact future generations with the Truth and Love of the Lord through every trial. Share with friends and family and encourage those the Lord wants to attend a school of reformation and transformation at CMM College of Theology.
Working on drilling the next well with Yohana! You can have a part and receive a huge blessing! Pray and give at today. Share with your church or homegroup. Many hands make light work!
We work with many denominations and various streams of the Body of Christ according to Jesus’ heart for unity as he speaks of in John 17. We choose to focus on the ‘majors’ and keep the ‘main thing the main thing. Come check us out at
Who’s that you ask? CMM is Christ’s Mandate for Missions. We are an interdenominational, spirit-filled missions organization with over 500 missionary leaders serving in 45 nations. We equip and strengthen the local church on a global scale. One of our main thrusts is to equip, train, and release native pastors and leaders to reach their own people as they know their culture the best.
Give at to help drill the next well with Yohana Mayiku!
More people will die from starvation than from COVID-19 this year. We, His Body, are coming together during this crucial time to spread the love of Jesus, see many souls saved, healed and delivered as the Kingdom marches on courageously to destroy the works of the enemy.
Thank you dear CMM Partners for your prayers and generosity in helping Molong Nacua and his team feed many during the lockdown. Help us spread the love of Jesus, overseas and in the USA by sowing into the Great Commission at