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Any questions? So what's the problem..?

We Christians will enjoy a never-ending fellowship with God the moment we draw our last earthly breath. What assurance!

That is exactly what Jesus Christ promises those who believe in Him . . . not merely "I hope so" but "I know Him!" In Him we truly have everything we need.

"Buck" Moon -July, 7
Saturn and Jupiter rising above the full moon, opposite each other, giving an impression of a stag's antlers.

I am not ashamed of the

Gospel of Christ, because it is

the power of God for the

salvation of everyone who
first for the Jews, then for the Gentile.

Romans 1:16

The enemy is in-a-me.

Romans 7:24-25
24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?
25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

...And now this from the seaport town of Indian Hills, Colorado! 😂🤣


Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.

24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?

25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Romans 8:23-25

Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
Draw near to God and blessedness, happiness, and joy is with Him.
What ultimately accounts for the failure of the false prophet to think clearly is the fact that he is deliberately determined to defend himself and to think well of himself.

Pride is the root cause of the trouble.

The view of the false prophet starts with the postulate that whatever else may be the cause of the troubles in life, it is not man himself.

The blessedness, the happiness, the joy is something that will result from our seeking righteousness and from our becoming righteous.

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.
— Jeremiah 17:9-10 NLT

Not the labors of my hands
Can fulfill thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and thou alone.

Augustus M. Toplady

I do because I know I do. And I do.
I do when I’m alone with God
My tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth.
My tongue can’t speak words unknown.
So, I cry because I do know how much He loves me.

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