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Very powerful digital graphics!

The "good" in Good Friday is Sunday's coming.

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Dear Father, guide my brother(s) in Christ, that age and the trials of this world not dim their light for the gospel, but that their light would burn brightly until their call Home! Amen.

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Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday we commemorate the Last Supper and Jesus washing the disciples feet. It was not the last time He would see them or the last time He would eat with them. It was last time before His resurrection would reset time. He washed 12 pairs of feet. Two sets of them would walk away and betray and deny Him. Nine of them would fearfully stride into the shadows instead of standing with Him. Only one of them would stand at the foot of the cross during His agony. He knew what they would do but He knelt to wash their feet anyway. Why? Because He was not expecting their reciprocation or vindication. It is humbling beyond imagination to know that eventually “every knee will bow” at the feet of the One who was first to bow before these disillusioned disciples.

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God is NOT a snob who requires us to get everything right before he’ll have anything to do with us.

His willingness to meet us where we are is crucial to his project of redeeming us.

Dallas Willard

*Christ's death, burial, and resurrection is living proof!

Knowing that all was now complete, Jesus said. “I thirst.”
His bloodied lips were split and dry.
His throat parched and constricted,
He needed to moisten them to shout His final words from the cross in victory.
“It is finished!”
With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit,
(John 19:28)

Now it is for us, in our time to thirst after Him. ✝❤

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