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Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Have you been to the Cross? Are your sins covered by the blood of Jesus? Come unto Jesus Christ today, there is Hope for you! There is victory in Jesus!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The steps of a good man are led by Christ! Where have your steps led you? Put your trust in Jesus Christ today, let Him lead you to victory!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! God is bigger than your worst battle! God is greater than your enemies! Come unto Jesus Christ today! Put your trust in Jesus for there is Hope for you!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! God has given you the ability to choose. Choose you today whom you will serve.

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The sun will arise again! The storm will be past! God is gracious to His children! Come unto Jesus Christ today! Put your trust in Jesus, let Him be the Light in your darkness!

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Beyond the fog the sun is shining! Put your trust in Jesus Christ today! Jesus is the Light that will shine through your foggiest and darkest moments! Jesus is the answer! He loves you!

Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Rain falls on the good and evil. Bad things do happen to good people, yet the Grace of God is sufficient for those who put their trust in Him! Come unto Jesus Christ today!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Bring all your hurts and failures unto Jesus for He cares for you! Begin this day anew, put your trust in Jesus Christ! There is no greater Friend, no greater Hope than what you will find in Jesus!

Tuesday evening and God is still good! He knows about every battle you face and are presently going through! You may not understand at the time but God has greater purpose for your good and His glory! Put your trust in Jesus Christ tonight!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Be not discouraged, our God still reigns! He is faithful even in the hardest of times! Put your trust in Jesus today! There is no greater friend, who continues knocking at your hearts door!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! A long week is coming to an end, have you put your trust in Jesus? There is room at the Cross for you! Come unto Jesus and He will not cast you out! There is Hope and life in Jesus Christ!

Friday evening and Jesus is continually calling you from a life of sin unto Salvation! There is still Hope for you tonight! All Jesus asks, is that you come as you are! Take one step towards Him and He will come running to you!

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Have the paths of sin left you down? It will. Are you tired of struggling on your own? Come unto Jesus Christ today! Jesus promises rest to the weary, and new life to the hopeless! There is still Hope!

Thursday evening and God loves you! Regardless of your circumstances and lot in life, there is Hope for you in Jesus Christ! Put your trust in Jesus tonight! Let God fill you with His Love, Grace and Hope!

Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Victory does not come without a battle! Christ Jesus is our strength in our weakness! Put your trust in in Christ today! For with God all things are possible, without Him how lost we are!

Wednesday morning and I have victory in Jesus! His mercies are new every morning! His Grace is abundant and free! Come unto Jesus Christ today! There is victory waiting for you! There is still Hope for you, there is still Grace for you today!

Tuesday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient for you! Important things, jobs and daily life can weigh you down in your own strength. Put your trust in Jesus Christ and let Him help carry your load! Jesus is just a prayer away! Come unto Jesus!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Hope arises because Jesus Christ lives and He cares about you! Come unto Jesus Christ today, let Him wash your sins away! All that you need He will always be, Christ is the answer!

Monday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient for you! Time rushes on and waits for no one, before your time is gone put your trust in Jesus Christ! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight, just as you are! Jesus is waiting for you!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will strengthen and help you! There is Hope in your darkest of hours, put your trust in Jesus Christ today! Christ is the answer!

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