Show more Check out Mark Frederick Tross's video! I received these pictures this morning from our Korean Intercessors, who are coming to NM, May 2-9 and 39 other states in our nation, praying for a true spiritual awakening and revival to come to NM, across America and around The WORLD! Register TODAY for the PATH Events happening in ALL 33 counties and 23 Tribal Nations THIS YEAR & in The Heart of EVERY City in 2024, INVITE Others + SPREAD THE WORD!

AWAKE - April 2023 NM Prayer Connect & PATH Newsletter!

To ALL The April Fools for Christ/Messiah/The Anointed ONE,

Welcome to God's New Beginning, The Head of the year, according to Holy Script! April 2nd commemorates The LORD's triumphal entry into the Holy City of Jerusalem, HIS institution of 'Communion' on Passover, representing what HE called, "The New & Better Covenant," HIS Death on Good Friday, fulfilling The Sabbath that Saturday and Resurrection Sunday, April 9th, what the Apostle John The Beloved called The LORD's Day. With ALL This coming our Way this month, what's to follow?

Doug Small of and Aaron Park, who's overseeing the Koreans coming to NM, May 2-9, will be visiting our state, April 11-12, hoping to connect with ALL who will be part of what we affectionately call, 'The Korean Invasion of America,' Intercessors going to 40 states in our nation, praying for a true spiritual Awakening & Revival to come to these United States.

EVERYONE In NM Is INVITED To ATTEND This HISTORIC 3 Day Gathering @ BALLOON FIESTA PARK in ALBUQUERQUE - Spread The Word!!! Hey all, Karen Lafferty and I will be on tomorrow to talk about going to Washington DC to support David’s tent for New Mexico week. We hope you’ll pray about joining us and carrying the revival from PATH Bernalillo all the way to the government in DC!

WATCH & Listen to our LIVE Interview with these 3 Women Of God, Thursday 9am MT on AppleTV, ROKU, StreamingChurch.TV @facebook Twitter, GAB-TV @YouTube Twitch and Other Social Media Sites WORLDWIDE, Invite Other & SPREAD THE WORD + Get Women To ATTEND This Conference!

PLEASE Join us in ABQ Saturday for the Prayer At The Heart Of New Mexico Conference, INVITE Others & SPREAD THE WORD, Doug Small from NC, Aaron Park from Korea & others will be in attendance, so let’s hear from God and each other, so He can have His Way in NM 🙂REGISTER For FREE Today or STREAMING 24/7/365 WORLDWIDE!

Please be sure to join us this Saturday, Register Today or and Invite EVERYONE You know in NM, who wants to see God have His Way in our state - SPREAD THE WORD, Doug Small is coming into NM from NC & Aaron Park from Korea will be sharing + others, because we want to hear from God and each other :) Blessings, Mark

ONLY 2 Weeks until this Conference in ABQ, so Register TODAY or Doug Small from NC will be sharing, along with Aaron Park from South Korea!

PTL!!! March 4th 'Prayer At The Heart' Prayer Conference Coming to Albuquerque! - For God's Glory Alone Ministries
PTL!!! March 4th 'Prayer At The Heart' Prayer Conference Coming to Albuquerque! - For God's Glory Alone Ministries

February 14, 2023 The Asbury Revival Dutch Sheets

Many have contacted DSM asking if I’ve heard about the Asbury Revival and, if so, do I think it is the beginning of what I saw in a vision the week of 9/11/01. (I shared the vision on Flashpoint a couple of weeks ago.) I started hearing about this outpouring almost immediately, and I do believe it could be the beginning of what I saw.
I have been very excited about what I’m seeing and hearing in this revival: ongoing worship and passion for Christ led by the students; heartfelt contrition and repentance of sin; the obvious lingering presence of Holy Spirit; grassroots-led versus initiated and controlled by individuals; such hunger for His presence that classes are canceled - these characteristics all describe what I saw in the vision.
Many videos and first-hand reports are circulating online. People are beginning to travel from elsewhere to experience what is occurring at

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