Show more THANKS to ALL my sisters and brothers in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa and those who join us @ASKthePastorINTERNATIONAL Every WEDNESDAY 10:30am MT in New Mexico, USA & 7:30pm on KA Television WORLDWIDE!!!

While most of the ‘church’ world was celebrating RESURRECTION SUNDAY last month, TODAY would have been the Actual Day that Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation rose from His tomb, conquering sin and death, Once for ALL!

I’m preaching in The City Of Holy Faith/Santa Fe, Sunday 11am, JOIN me, INVITE Others + SPREAD THE WORD!

As of last night, Yeshua/Jesus, The PASSOVER Lamb was in the Virgin tomb and today fulfilling The SABBATH, concluding His 3 nights, from Passover Evening Mon Night this week and tomorrow Thur would be Resurrection Morning (very early on the 1st day of the week) 3 days completed!

Day 18 of 50 Days PRAYING Up To PENTECOST! LIVE Today 10:30am MT & 7:30pm in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa on KA Television, Invite Others + SPREAD THE WORD!

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