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While most of the ‘church’ world was celebrating RESURRECTION SUNDAY last month, TODAY would have been the Actual Day that Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation rose from His tomb, conquering sin and death, Once for ALL!

I’m preaching in The City Of Holy Faith/Santa Fe, Sunday 11am, JOIN me, INVITE Others + SPREAD THE WORD!

As of last night, Yeshua/Jesus, The PASSOVER Lamb was in the Virgin tomb and today fulfilling The SABBATH, concluding His 3 nights, from Passover Evening Mon Night this week and tomorrow Thur would be Resurrection Morning (very early on the 1st day of the week) 3 days completed! Passover applies The Blood Of The Lamb Of GOD/Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation to usher in The NEW & BETTER Content (according to Hebrews & Jesus :) and bring The GREATEST Deliverance This WORLD Has EVER Known, so ENTER Into HIS Sabbath REST!!!
Check out Mark Tross's video! Day 25 of the 50 Days of PRAYER Up To PENTECOST @ProjectPray.Org & @ChristianBody.Net “ASK THE PASTOR INTERNATIONAL” LIVE Today 10:30am MT @CBNetMedia @YouTube & 7:30pm on KA Television in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa - Invite Others GLOBALLY + SPREAD THE WORD WORLDWIDE!
Check out Mark Tross's video!

Project Pray
Video: We are seeing pockets of revival...Keep Praying! JOIN Us in ABQ, NM @ New Life COG on Aztec 10am-9pm May 15-19 Jesus asked, “Could you not watch and pray with me for 1 hour?” If just 3 people come from each church 6,000 will be praying
Project Pray
Video: We are seeing pockets of revival...Keep Praying!

TODAY’S The 1st FULL Day of PASSOVER - Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation, Our PASSOVER LAMB, hung on The Cross from 9am, The WORLD went DARK @12noon in Jerusalem, Israel & @3pm HE Cried Out, IT IS FINISHED! FULFILLING The Prophecy of Jonah, Day 1 in the belly of The Beast @ChristianBody.Net

TECHNICALLY @ Sundown TONIGHT is when Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation Washed His Disciples Feet, Celebrated Passover & Instituted the ‘Sacrament’ of Communion saying, “Do This As Often As You Can In Remembrance Of Me, This Is My Body & This Is The Cup Of The NEW And BETTER COVENANT (according to Hebrews)!” Afterwards He went out to Pray, “Not My Will, but Thine Be Done!” Then He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot and taken captive - Night 1 of Fulfilling The Jonah Prophecy.

Day 23 of 50 Days of PRAYER Up To PENTECOST @ProjectPray.Org & @ChristianBody.Net 50 Days of PRAYER Up To PENTECOST @ProjectPray.Org & @ChristianBody.Net STREAMING 24/7/365 LIVE Mondays 6-8pm MT & Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am MT + 7:30pm on KA Television in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa - Invite Others & SPREAD THE WORD!!!
Check out Mark Tross's video!

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