Show more Korean intercessors in ABQ/Metro, Rio Rancho & Santa Fe, NM, USA :)
Check out Mark Tross's video!

If you missed this morning’s breakfast and prayer at Weck’s in Rio Rancho, JOIN Us TODAY-SUNDAY, 10am-9pm @NewLifeCOG on Aztec (off Carlisle) ABQ, NM, as we PRAY for AWAKENING & REVIVAL to Come to NM, America and The WORLD!
Check out Mark Tross's video!

Day 45 of 50 Days of PRAYER, PRAYING Up To PENTECOST @ProjectPray.Org & @ChristianBody.Net OVER 10,824 HITS in 44 Days :) Invite Others + SPREAD THE WORD - JOIN us @Weck’s in Rio Rancho, Wednesday and Friday 7am & PRAY, Wednesday-Sunday 10am-9pm @ New Life COG on Aztec (off Carlisle) in ABQ, NM, USA - I’ll be preaching there 10:30am PENTECOST SUNDAY!!! A special invitation to The Trial SUBSCRIBE @crossculturenm @mftross @CBNetMedia & @ZionGlory (SEE The ‘HIDDEN MOUNTAIN’ Documentary)!@YouTube PAUL WILBUR’s “I Stand With Israel” August 31 @ Casa del Rey in ABQ, NM, Invite Others + SPREAD THE WORD TODAY! Campaign to help us save more Families in Kenya – KA TELEVISION Prayerfully consider giving to continue the programs @ KA Television in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa & @ChristianBody.Net THANKS & BLESSINGS!
Campaign to help us save more Families in Kenya – KA TELEVISION

JOIN me Friday, 10-11am MT On The Promesa Network with PASTOR ALONZO GARCIA - TELEIOS FREEDROM. SUBSCRIBE @mftross @crossculturenm @CBNetMedia & @ZionGlory (SEE the ‘HIDDEN MOUNTAIN’ Documentary) @YouTube Invite Others .+ SPREAD THE WORD INTERNATIONALLY!

Day 40 of 50 Days Of PRAYER, PRAYING Up To PENTECOST @ProjectPray.Org & @ChristianBody.Net ! THANKS to ALL my sisters and brothers in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa and those who join us @ASKthePastorINTERNATIONAL Every WEDNESDAY 10:30am MT in New Mexico, USA & 7:30pm on KA Television WORLDWIDE!!!

IINVITATION: Tonight, Mark Tross at 6, special guest David McIver of PraiseLive at 6:30, and into Monday Night Alive at 7. Don't miss! Or by phone
☎️ (669) 900-6833,
Meeting ID 408 862 2707# Passcode 222644 if needed

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