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Day 13 of 50 Days of PRAYER, PRAYING Up To PENTECOST! Download your FREE Guide @ProjectPray.Org and JOIN Our 24/7/365 LIVESTREAM INTERNATIONALLY, Invite Others GLOBALLY + SPREAD THE WORD WORLDWIDE! JOIN Us SATURDAY 1-3pm MT in Santa Fe, NM @ The Roundhouse for the ‘Come To The Capitol’ gathering It’s happening in every state capitol, so let people know NATIONALLY!

Day 11 of 50 Days Of PRAYER Up To PENTECOST @ProjectPray.Org & @ChristianBody.Net Invite Others + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Hello, New Mexico Men of Honor Rally, Saturday 27 April
8am Burritos & Fellowship,
9-11am Worship and Message.
Albuquerque Chinese Christian Church

Hope to see ya there,

Dennis Poper

INVITATION: We'll be gathering tonight on the Zoom Channel... at 6, Mark finishing up on Spiritual Gifts, 6:30, Cip is on 8th Amendment, and at 7, it's all hands planning and praying for Gather At The Capitol coming up Saturday 1-3 at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. Or by phone
☎️ (669) 900-6833,
Meeting ID 408 862 2707# Passcode 222644 if needed

Day 6 of Praying 50 UP To PENTECOST - ProjectPray.Org

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