Whistleblower released recording of government legal admitting the validity of arguments against vax (& false narratives to deal with them):
discuss w/nephew cuz real threat to humanity-i grew up read & dream of this "world"-young people think cool&think Elon M is-ibeg to differ-he "idiot"-i used to be too-but wrong-God is real! may resent word but can B/U from Bible: https://rumble.com/vnx3x2-whores-of-the-techno-apocalypse.html
FB announces change from a social media co. to an alternative universe on another astral plane in a virtual digital dimension:
11 MONTHS LATER - FB finally acknowledges that i disagreed but still has NOT allowed me ANY access to my account to even see what i disagreed with (or what i posted that suddenly became a violation months after i posted it - whatever it was) & threatens to delete my account - 14 years of my personal information (without allowing me in to download it - if they disagree with my disagreeing ... once again i reiterate - i am a sovereign created by God & natural born citizen of our constitutional republic with all the rights endowed by our creator, & 1 is the right to free speech / expression & you have no right to censor me!
Perfect Storm-2021:01-Elijah Abraham
Elijah's 2-CCP CV
Born again Bible believer(Young Earth Creation by Jesus/God in flesh,Lord,Savior, Righteousness)formerly accept idiotic atheistic,materialistic,evil evolution lie of evil enemy of our souls - Saved by the Truth & Grace of the one & only True & Living God, Creator of all!!!!! 16 GrandKids! & 6Kids!(Ps127:3-5;- )Jesus Lover cuz He saved a wretch like me at 33! yashuafreak @Gab,Gettr,Twitter, CloutHub,VK,Parler,MeWe,DingDash,etc. Doug Hughesoever on FB https://www.youtube.com/yashuafreak