Dangerous Push For The Internet To Become A Conscious Being - (Bannon says Pierre Teilhard de Chardin predicted this - tge Jesuit Priest who loved THE LIE of Evolution so much that he decided to be the 1st (in a long line as it turns out) to fake evidence for it, since there is NO EVIDENCE - he was also disavowed by the Catholics & Jesuits because he went so far out into occultism that he still has a cult following in the New Age movement today)
Facebook is still religiously persecuting & harassed me for years & has disabled my account completely since they forced me to provide & upload my phone number, ID, etc. to access my account & thereby were informed that i am a an ordained member of the clergy & i have never been allowed to login since they discovered this, nor will they disclose their (illegal) reasoning for this nor return to me my private data & information in their possession, nor allowed me to download my personal data , nor even alliwed me to know or see the alleged initial issue they stated they had with a post if mine & have even posted supposed unallowable content to my FB account since blocking me & subsequently used this to further harass persecute and block access to my personal data, information & account, contacts personal private messages, etc. for more than 13 months since discovering my status as religious clergy!!!!!! I have evidence if all of this spanning this entire time period & have made contact
Quadruple murder-suicide of German family caused by Vaccine mandate…
The Need for The Defender’s Study Bible
To these redeemed sinners He has given the privilege of proclaiming His saving gospel to others yet unsaved. This means they must not only “preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) but also defend the gospel against those who seek to destroy it. Like the Apostle Paul, we who know the Lord must be “set for the defense of the gospel” (Philippians 1:17). Like the Apostle Peter, we must “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15). Neither ignorance nor arrogance is appropriate armor for the Christian soldier.
It is with such admonitions in mind that the
Born again Bible believer(Young Earth Creation by Jesus/God in flesh,Lord,Savior, Righteousness)formerly accept idiotic atheistic,materialistic,evil evolution lie of evil enemy of our souls - Saved by the Truth & Grace of the one & only True & Living God, Creator of all!!!!! 16 GrandKids! & 6Kids!(Ps127:3-5;- )Jesus Lover cuz He saved a wretch like me at 33! yashuafreak @Gab,Gettr,Twitter, CloutHub,VK,Parler,MeWe,DingDash,etc. Doug Hughesoever on FB https://www.youtube.com/yashuafreak