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MILLIONS & MILLIONS OF LIES (but only a few thousand years) AGO GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS & THE EARTH & HE WROTE IT DOWN SO ALL WOULD KNOW (but they started to believe the lie & reject The Truth)

11 MONTHS LATER - FB finally acknowledges that i disagreed but still has NOT allowed me ANY access to my account to even see what i disagreed with (or what i posted that suddenly became a violation months after i posted it - whatever it was) & threatens to delete my account - 14 years of my personal information (without allowing me in to download it - if they disagree with my disagreeing ... once again i reiterate - i am a sovereign created by God & natural born citizen of our constitutional republic with all the rights endowed by our creator, & 1 is the right to free speech / expression & you have no right to censor me!

Sidney Powell & the Fight for Truth, Justice & the American Way!!! Battling the Evil Global Elitist Scheme to overthrow Truth, Freedom, America & God, & to Usher in the One World Government for the Anti-Christ as the Bible foretold millennia ago!!!!!

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