I feel that we have reached a dangerous point in America. Liberalism has obviously been corrupted by Marxism, and now liberals are essentially rabid Marxists. Yet, incredibly, they deny this, insisting that they are merely "progressives," and that progressivism/socialism is NOT the same as Marxism. It takes a special kind of idiot to be a Marxist, think and speak and act like a Marxist and then, in the very next breath, DENY that you are a Marxist. But this is the skewed logic of the liberals, which is one of many reasons that we must all come together and reject every aspect, every derivative, every manifestation, of this toxic and idiotic ideology. Let us not be brainwashed anymore into thinking that "liberalism" is all about "tolerance" and "kindness" and "peace," because their actions prove the very opposite of this absurd insinuation. Please, Patriots, join me in my utter and complete rejection of liberalism!!

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