
Status: One of the deepest human needs is to feel important. To believe that we are purposeful, unique, and valuable.

The degree to which these feelings are met is dependent upon our perception and beliefs about ourselves and others.

To be an effective leader we must believe that in our authentic skin we can show compassion, empathy and give sound direction without losing our status. When we are internally conscious of this fact, we can give ourselves and allow others to learn and grow from us while preserving their own need for status.

🧠 We won’t be able to focus and achieve our goal if our perceptions and belief system of ourselves and others are off. It’s important to figure out what programs are running in the background that are affecting our self image.

I work with my clients to figure out what programs are running, then help them re-program and re-train their brain. If you’re feeling stuck, or would like break through to your next level, contact me. 📧

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