The evil among us is even greater, and more rampant, than any of us could ever have imagined. It's been metastasizing for a while now, inherent in our decaying culture and gaining more and more strength and audacity with each passing generation. Now it is so overt that it no longer needs disguises, and we are seeing it for what it was all along: a hideous monstrosity, scarred by the deformities of its own twisted formation. It's called Marxism, the great killer of nations, the great robber of souls, the great seducer of minds. It sneaks into the educational system, first and foremost, preying upon the youngsters' impressionable minds and their neurotic desire to separate themselves from the culture of their parents and grandparents. It promises "social justice" to a lot of spoiled kids who want to think that they are responding to the suffering of others. From there, they spill out into the world with a venom and viciousness that is startling and mind-boggling. They are vermin!
@davaocityoutreach Excellent point, friend! Atheism does lead to all kinds of ugliness.
@TOIPEY Marxism increases atheism, which increases murder.