Eric, my precious brother thank you so much. This rejoiced my heart exceedingly. shalom

Thank you all so much for holding our children up to THE LORD. Sometimes when we are in the fire it's difficult to see THE LORD JESUS working or walking with us in the fire. BUT! those who are on the outside saw 4 people in the midst of the fire. My brothers and sisters he has given you eyes to see. HE is in the fire with us I know. And HE will use this to bless and Glorify HIS HOLY NAME and HIS children. ALL of you and our children. Thank you. May you be blessed with a double portion of Aaron's blessing in HIM.

Hey, being new to this venue, what does "boosted status" mean?

My wife and I are in CHRIST JESUS and HE's been our guide for many years through many dark times. Most of which are our own doing. Our adult daughter has cancer and is terminal. She loves THE LORD YSHUA and knows where she is going when HE calls her home. Our youngest son is severely mentally ill and is hospitalized at the writing of this message. All we are asking is for GOD's mercy and grace to be poured out upon our two children fighting for their lives. Please pray for Christina and Christopher.

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