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Father God use this platform and those around the world to connect us together in prayer, supplication and worship and be found One with you. Raise up a holy standard that is pleasing to you oh Father.

Father God raise up a mighty army that loves truth and justice. Purge the earth of those who would do harm or mislead children. Cast them oh Lord into outer darkness where they will be no more. Jesus you alone said better for a millstone to be tied around their neck and dropped into the sea than for anyone to mislead the children.

Father, raise up kingdom warriors that are fit and trained by you and righteous by your standards alone. Train their hands for battle to invoke justice and purge the evil doers who would corrupt our country.

Jesus, forgive our nation from this blight. We cry out for mercy in Jesus name. Let the Light and Glory of heaven shine down on your people who are called by your name. Restore your people as we repent of our sins and turn to the One and Only living God. Forgive our waywardness and rescue us. Bind the evil one and those who would raise up another to replace the One and True Living God!

Good morning DingDashers! Send me your quote ideas for this meme. The winner gets posted!

4given boosted

PLATFORM CONCLUSION: So I want to thank all the many users here who are good faith participants in our efforts to explore and share the truth about events in the world around us. We never want this platform to become so large and unwieldy that it loses its amazing signal-to-noise ratio that we have right now, which is why I'm not heavily promoting this platform. We want to keep it relatively small, meaningful and focused among a small group of dedicated patriots and truth seekers. Thank you!

4given boosted

Please pray for the church in Sweden... fear of man seems to be bigger than the fear of God. We are only worshiping in our homes alone these days. I miss coming together in a churchbuilding with my brothers and sisters🙏💕

4given boosted

Now, more breaking news: @SidneyPowell1 has US Military Intelligence Agents ready to testify that the Michigan/Dominion tabulation was able to be tampered with by foreign actors. Military Intelligence testifying about actual foreign capacity to interfere!

This is from DIA and Kraken, the cyber warfare program. This is how Sidney Powell is going to prove her lawsuit in Georgia (and elsewhere). The military experts have all the proof.

Which Billionaire do you wish to take the first “magic carpet ride” to Gitmo?

Pray for Sidney Powell, and pray for this man: Ezra Cohen-Watnick

Praise God for the pardon of Gen Flynn!

Dear DashDash family, I requested permission from a dear brother in Christ that I’ve known for years to share and he approved. My friend who in most who know him is a Spiritual giant and walks closely with the Lord, shared a dream regarding Joe Biden:
“He saw a race and the finish line had a yellow tape across the road. Joe Biden was leading and lunged forward to pull the tape and did a face plant into the pavement. The dream switched and the Lord commanded “He gets the last laugh.”

Der Klausenwagon wantsder taken yuven fer Der Donyer greatenstein Der resetvagon

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