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After Joseph's brothers threw him into a pit, they sat down to eat bread. What wickedness! They didn't know that the Joseph in the pit will someday give them bread to eat. Are men celebrating thinking you're down in the pit? Rejoice! They'll come to you for bread.

Some people wrongly teach that Jesus' only name is Yahusha Hamashiach and not Jesus Christ, and that it's wrong to call Him Jesus Christ. I got powerfully saved by calling on Jesus. I've also witnessed great signs and wonders by calling on Jesus Christ. Whether we call Him Jesus, Joshua, Jisos, Jesu, Yesu, or Yahusha Hamashiach, we're calling on the same Lord in different languages and tongues. We shouldn't make Biblical doctrines out of nothing.

I've never ceased to wonder why today's church, especially in Africa, seems to prosper "denominationally", but with little or no impact on the polity. The largest denominations can't determine who wins as a counselor of a ward in an election, which is the least elective position, talk less of the office of the president. We'll prefer to pray in the church for the elections, but we refuse to impact the society with the gospel of the kingdom. It's the temperature of the society that determines the healthiness of the church, not the perceived "good" temperature of the church. Let's return to the gospel of the kingdom.

As for me:
I'll make room for ONE - You only Jesus. You're all that matters to me. Not I, but Christ.

While the spirit of blindness has plagued sinners, hindering them from seeing the light of the gospel, believers have allowed the spirit of foolishness into their lives. No wonder 5 out of 10 virgins in the Lord's parable were foolish.

"Don't bother; there's time." This is one of the greatest lies of the devil to people. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to begin to execute your plan. No more procrastination.


U - Z

Unclean, unfit, unworthy, and unkempt, I became upturned, uplifted, and uniquely usable.

Vain, a vagabond with a vicious visage, I received virtue and value from my Venerated Victor.

Wounded, weary, and worn, wandering in the woods of wickedness when the Way wrapped His warmth around my wounds.

X-rayed and examined, I was exhausted in my ex-way of life, but I exchanged my excesses for my Lord's excellence.

Yoked and yielded to Yeshua from my youthful years, I yearn to be more yielded to Him than in the years of yore.

Zestfully, zealously, and zappily, I run my race to Zion's zenith.

Every purpose requires a lifetime to fully execute it. How much time have you fully utilized and how much time do you have left in your lifetime?


P - T

Poor, pauperized, and pummeled by preponderant problems, but now prosperous through the poverty of my Provider who became poor for me to prosper.

Quaking, quivering, and queasy, I was quarantined in quietness at the Lord's quarry and quiver.

Rusty, rusticated, rebellious, and repulsive, I was rapidly restored, renewed, re-created, and made righteous by my Redeemer, who's my Righteousness.

Sick, sinful, sullen, and sulky, my Sovereign Saviour saved and sanctified my soul.

Tortured, terrified, and tempted by the tempter, I triumphed over the terrifying troop.

The greatest resource you need to fulfill your purpose on earth is TIME. Use your time well.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
Eccl. 3:1

"This King-Priest did not arise because of a genealogical right under the law to be a priest, but by the power of an indestructible, resurrection life!"
Hebrews 7:16 TPT


K - O

Kicked out and knocked down by the kingdom of darkness, but kissed and kept by the King of kings.

Loose, lost, and languishing in a lonely land, but loved by my Lord and the Lover of my life.

Manacled, mangled, and miserable, but my Master's mercy, mercy, mercy!

Naked, naughty, narcissistic, but now made new, novel, and noble.

Oppressed, obsessed, obese with sin, but now an offspring of the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient.

Two highly recommended cures for depression, discouragement, and suicidal thoughts are discovery of one's purpose and being filled with the Holy Spirit.


F - J

Famished by the flames of famine, but fashioned, flavoured, and favoured by the Father.

Guilty, greedy, grounded and godless, but groomed by God's grace.

Harassed and hounded by Haman's hate, but helped and held in the hollow of God's hand.

Inflamed and intoxicated by iniquity, but I was introduced to the I am that I am.

Judged and jailed in the jungle, but Jesus justified me.


A - E

Assaulted and accused by the Accuser, but I was acquitted by the Last Adam.

Bruised, blighted, battered, and buried, but I blossomed.

Crushed and cropped by the cross, consecrated and crowned by Christ.

Damaged, distressed, and damned, but delivered by the Daystar.

Effete, enervated, and emasculated by the enemy, but empowered and energized by the El-Olam.

I'm so full of this LIFE that only Jesus Christ gives. No defeat, disease, depression, or discouragement. There's no dull moment with the Spirit of Life. Hallelujah!

The kingdom principles are so simple, yet we complicate them with religion: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

Bible school shouldn't replace Sunday school. Mentorship shouldn't replace discipleship. I'm a product of Sunday school and discipleship.

The way Samson tore the lion (as if it was a little goat - a kid), was the same way Jesus destroyed Satan, the roaring lion, on the cross.

If Thou shouldst call me to resign,
What most I prize, it ne’er was mine.
I only yield Thee what was Thine;
“Thy will be done!”

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