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Many people are high-spirited at points "Z" and "A", but they get despondent between points "A" and "Z". It's not enough to be hopeful in December and January. Put your hands to work and keep the fire burning between January and December. That's the secret of success.

God created the world in six days. He can still do what He promised you He'll do in 2021 before the end of the year. Only believe.

"How many are the lost that I have lifted?
How many are the chained I've helped to free?
I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus, when He has done so much for me."
Edwin Young

There are many unbelieving believers who claim to be following Jesus. They're the so-called disciples of Jesus Christ who always betray the Lord.

"But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray him." John 6:64

I'm like a weak ox yoked to a strong and compassionate Christ. He carries me on and His strength alone does the job on the farm.

The height of a tree trunk must be directly proportional to the depth of its root. The spread of the branches of a tree only reflects the spread of its roots beneath the soil. Deepen! Heighten! Widen! This is the order.

It's more profitable to be taught by the author of a book than by a student of the author. Let the Holy Spirit who's the Author of the Bible be your principal Teacher.

The growth pattern of a tree that will live for 70 years can't be the same as the tree that will live for centuries.

The evil spirit cried to Jesus: "I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God." Mark 1:24
Holy living (not charisma, wisdom or wealth) makes your name popular and dreaded among devils.

I'm a willing and satisfied bond slave of Jesus Christ. My pleasure is to do the will of my Lord everyday of my life.

A charismatic purposeless man is as dangerous as lethal weapons in the custody of a child.

I'd rather be an uncharismatic purposeful preacher than be a charismatic purposeless preacher.

Never underestimate a life that has discovered its purpose. Purpose discovery and pursuit is the beginning of a realm of endless possibilities.

According to Joshua Project, there are about 7,402 unreached people groups in the world who haven't heard the gospel, representing about 3,278,434,000 people. Let's spread out and look beyond the four walls of our local churches.

One of the greatest secrets that I found out about our purpose is that it's founded on our BEING, not our DOING. It's by BEING that DOING becomes easy. That's why we're called HUMAN BEINGS, not HUMAN DOINGS. Strive to BE so you can easily DO.

I'd rather be unpopular in the environment of my purpose than gain global popularity in an environment that's alien to my purpose.

I realized that God's system of timing is on "per second" basis. One moment it's this, the next moment it's that.

In dealing with issues in our marriages, let's learn to identify the cause and deal with it and not just the effects of the cause. Our prayers should also address the cause and not the effects.

I imagine that there was confusion and quarelling at the marriage in Cana of Galilee after the wine finished. Mary knew that lack of wine was the cause of all the problems. She went to Jesus and said, "They have no wine."

The quarelling and constant arguments in your marriage is because the fresh wine of love has been exhausted. Humbly go to the Lord on your knees and say: "Lord, I have no wine." The Lord will turn water into wine in your marriage.

Invite Jesus at the beginning of your marriage to be the Lord. And you should be resolved to do what He tells you to do. He should be the Alpha and Omega of your marriage. He'll not be the Omega of what He wasn't the Alpha.

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