
The gospel is spelled out perfectly in 1 Corinthians 15:1-5. So simple.
1. Christ died according to the scripture
2. He was buried.
3. He raised from the dead according to the scripture. .
4. He was seen Alive by more than 500 people
5. Our testimony. Paul said "and he also appeared to me" or we could say "our testimony.

We actually add two more at the beginning. They can't understand why christ died according to the scripture if they don't know
1. God made all things perfect.
2. Adam sinned and brought death, sin and curse on all.

Scripture says that the gospel is power to salvation which also means deliverance and healing. All we must do us preach it.
Just tell people
1. The world was perfect
2. Man sinned and brought death and curse and evil
3. Christ died as promised
4. He as buried along with our sin, sickness and pain
5. He raised without that stuff to life for all who beleive. .
6. He was seen Alive by 500 plus people
7. He changed my life and saved me!

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