Mudrunner is on big-time sale right now! (43% off on Amazon)

Grab your copy today to fuel your love for Jesus and fire you up for His mission to your neighbors and the nations!

Mudrunner: Advancing the Kingdom No Matter the People, the Place, or the Cost

@Cmarquis who is the author? I've never seen this book before

@Kruselady hi, I am the author. The book was published last year

@Cmarquis what can I learn about the author? Where you from,what brought you to write the book,are you apart of any church denomination.? Just wondering


@Kruselady sure thing! I am from Colorado. God called me 11 years ago to travel from place to place fueling a movement to fulfill the heart cry of jesus for more kingdom laborers (Matthew 9) - ordinary people loving God, loving others, and advancing the kingdom everyday everywhere! since then I’ve been traveling / preaching at various events & seeking to spark disciple making among unreached people groups without the gospel worldwide. Mudrunner is full of stories of all God has done around the globe the past 11 yrs. People have been asking me to write these stories for years-finally God brought it together in this book. I’m part of a ministry, Forge ( have worked with 100s of denominations. We stay on the main road of scripture as authoritative, living fully surrendered to jesus, loving others daily, & proclaiming jesus; we come alongside local churches, believing they will teach theological specifics. Does that answer your question? Happy to discuss more if u like.

@Cmarquis sounds good. We're in a pretty rough place in our area spiritually. There may be other people around here but I don't know of many. We pray every Thursday with a brother about it. And we're praying for revival to come

@Kruselady where are you located? How can I be praying specifically?

@Kruselady well you will be the judge of how good it is, or isn’t 😂 … whatever the case I think chapter one will be hopefully fitting and encouraging for your area you’re in — it’s called “the gates of hell”

@Cmarquis well we're in Sterling ,il. Northwest corner by the Mississippi. Billy Sunday had a revival back in the day alot of religious people and drugs

@Kruselady end up reading it? Hope it was a blessing to your life!

@Cmarquis oh yes. It made me hunger more to share the Gospel. Made me search my heart to be more available to my Lord. And learning to leave things in His hand. I tried going on Forge web page but I had trouble.. but I'm m a dinosaur takes me awhile to figure it out. Thanks

@Kruselady hmmm sorry for that trouble! I’m happy to point you any direction if helpful. We also have a HUGE website update coming mid September that will make it more easily approachable. Appreciate your heart for jesus!

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