=> I say honestly, that I do not have the same light as Last Reformation, about the birth again, out of the water and out of the spirit, John 3! I mean, that the birth of water is baptism in water (which supports some Baptists, where I grew up...), and the birth of the spirit is baptism with the Holy Spirit (who support some Pentecostals...)! We don't find such light in epistles. The Lord taught me otherwise and therefore I don't want to believe something that is not original..
=> I believe in everything you have mentioned, about repentance, rebirth, baptism in water, baptism with the Holy Ghost... but not in any way, even if my results, at the moment, are very weak, in this area of the gifts of the Spirit or miracles from above... I still have much to learn, but I would like, the pure gold and the foundation of the Apostles, who will stand alone at the Great Judgment and who Jesus will only defend/sustain His Word, His light, and understanding...!