Righteous Noah, A Man of God
Question: How does the #Antithesis impact #Apologetics Methodology?
#Christianity #Theology https://bit.ly/47sIF8P
#Book Review: The Royal #Priesthood and the Glory of #God
#Christianity #BiblicalTheology #Theology https://bit.ly/3NVi2lE
This #Sunday at #Church: Thank those who teach Sunday School
#Ministry #SundaySchool https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/11/26/this-sunday-at-church-thank-those-who-teach-sunday-school/
Psalm Sunday (119:86)
#Funny isn't it, how proper skills of #Biblestudy itself helps us answers the skeptic? Check out our answers here: https://bit.ly/3ZDUI0C
A Plan of Redemption
Daniel : Man of Prayer - Flashback Friday
A Scottish father and grandfather. I have been following God for 36 years. Here I share my daily devotional writing from my blog. May God bless you!