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Ed Dowd - 'If US pilots can't take it, why should the general population take it'

Ca 25:00

https://www.infowars. com/posts/banking-institutions-quietly-admit-to-inevitable-recession-implosion-in-2023/

Ed Dowd - why was this banned, why is it now legal -it's happening

Ed Dowd - 'If US pilots can't take it, why should the general population take it'

The house churches really need to update on what's going on, 🙏 there must be so many needy in the times that are coming:

Walter Veith of Amazing Discoveries .org, Seventh Day Adventists, and the series about the times we live in recommended reading "The Great Controversy" by Ellen G. White.

Here is both an audio book and text formats on the left side of the page - all in the public domain.

May it be a blessing to someone.

Mike Adams "the Health Ranger" reports about living in, or inside, an illusion. What effect will that have on a worldwide society in troubled times?

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