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I am frustrated at the UK church leonard ravenhill said correctly that it is as dead as a dodo
Comparing the corona to the spanish flu. The spanish flu didnt have a survival rate of 99.96%
If this is the excuse you want to use for shutting down churches then dont come anf say oh dont leave the body. When you stopped functioning like one, you stopped doing baptisms, no communion, no worship, no fellowship, as EM bounds said the letter killeth, a lot of theology no spirit

Last week I found the documentary called "American Gospel -Christ Alone". I had never heard of it. But it puts words and understanding to my journey of 30 years in 'Churchianity'. It's an explanation as to why I myself, like most American Christians, could not even come close to telling another person what is the GOSPEL. God forgive us. For exporting a false gospel to the nations.
May we COME OUT to YOU, JESUS... Forsaking the god of this world for CHRIST ALONE💞

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