I only came across him recently as well so havent read any yet, are looking to start to invest in his books, also for my daughters sake

Never even worn 1.
It cant even protect me from dust at my work how is it going to protect me against a virus which is smaller.

You've seen those movies where a guy gets thrown out of the club by bouncers,
Thats what the governments did to reason and common sense and it was done with such a haste as the world has never seen before

Neither had i until recently. But his arguments are so well founded that modern leftist thought cant refute him, he is one of the last persons you want in the spotlight.
But his books will probably be a good investment with all the censoring going on these days. His books on race and economics is contrary to narrative. Specially also now that most BIG evangelical top people such as TGC has bit into critical race theory and so forth.

I dont think the police would act like Gestapo here in uk if we had that.
1st rule of dictatorship have the Citizens give up the ability to defend themselves while telling them its for their own good

@sinbach it is madness, these people are full-on schizophrenic, on one hand they say this is the worst ever, on the other hand they will support the world global lockdown due to a weak virus, which has shut down trades imports exports,
and media is busy pushing vaccines, virus and closet communism

this is a must watch 7thchakrafilms.com/

in the wake of the task force the governments are putting together to supress vaccine damage info as anti vax

Disagree. There are documents and many evidences that speaks against certain narratives, that is not to say nothing happened, but to question certain narratives and you get labelled a denier.
Look at today if you question the public narrative of covid you get branded Crazy.
If everything is true why are we not allowed to ask questions, but are only allowed to accept what fits a certain narrative.
Benjamin Freedman did an excellent speech which is well worth looking into

@danielgray cause it hurts their pocket brother.
You see with even all the scientists standing up now and speaking against all of it, boris and his fellow gov mafia members still refuse to listen because their advicers gets buck loads of funding from the bill and melinda gates foundation and most got investments tied to vaccine companies.
But sure we are the crazies for pointing out the obvious

The government wants to be go
A brilliant book which touches on a lot of what goes on from a biblical perspective
Mission of God by Joseph Boot

Is it not obvious yet that the british government is paid of by Bill gates amd all the vaccine companies

People need to wake up.
Parents are already talking about how a school in somerset gave children nasal flu vaccines without parental consent

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