this is a must watch

in the wake of the task force the governments are putting together to supress vaccine damage info as anti vax

Is it not obvious yet that the british government is paid of by Bill gates amd all the vaccine companies

People need to wake up.
Parents are already talking about how a school in somerset gave children nasal flu vaccines without parental consent

“The ‘Evangelical Woke Slut’ is a slut who’s behavior makes Cardi B’s WAP look like performance art for preschoolers.

Pray that God would remove these pimps from the pulpit and fill it with Prophets who will keep His bride pure and faithful.” - Jeff Durbin

A sister on twitter posted this.
Makes one wonder how far the government are thinking to go with this plandemic

All of this it brings to mind all these virus movies or other sci fy movies through out the years, they have really used Hollywood as a tool for their agenda for years

Fromfrom JC Ryle. Light from old times

Another reformer was said to have kissed the stake before it was lit on fire

“Nations are obligated to worship the true God….That is not an option. It is a divine command.”

Had to share this

On this day in 1651, Obadiah Holmes was publicly flogged in Boston for being Baptist. He refused offers from friends to pay his fine. After 30 lashes, while bleeding profusely, he told his persecutors, "You have struck me as with roses."

Ah...when Baptists had backbone.

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