Hello! I just wanted to share my first Youtube video here. I'm a musician, and I decided to finally start putting myself out there. I hope y'all enjoy it! https://youtu.be/3FBcP30YY8M
I'm also posting on Rumble too: https://rumble.com/vym1lo-id-give-anything-from-tangled-the-series-cover.html
Hey! I'm a musician, and I have a passion for creating music. I sing and play trombone, and I have a YouTube channel: https://l.instagram.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fchannel%2FUCK-kXTlKKNHnmXb20KqhUag&e=ATNoQ5HqXcNYA-YZWS4EdE5zg04DHBzFPAgsYn9dBNIA3KF7y1xilw-do6mGkqZYXB9PHkgss-kmitTNkuO0heI&s=1