Legislation will be passed to persecute the True Believers of Christ Jesus very soon. The lukewarm are running to the medical facilities to get this material put into their bodies and you know what that is their choice.
They tell us to “trust the science” but we say “we trust God”. They tell us o yea well, why do where a seatbelt then? Don’t you trust God to protect you? To which we say “Yes, we do however there is a seatbelt law forcing me to comply” 🙌
All we can do at this point is pray for people and endure. Most of us are not radical and simply want to be left alone. But the forces in charge are making this impossible so we must warn people 🤷‍♂️ if they have an ear to hear they will receive it. If they belong to the world they can’t hear it and will take that material in shot form that people are calling a vaccine.


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