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Psa 118:24 KJV This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

πŸ”₯ Chronicles of My Surgeries part 1-

What did I learn from having 2 major surgeries?
... well I'm still processing...but one thing that hit me hard was something very simple:
(1) I am a created being...

People of God...I experienced Father God in such a way that...all I can say is, He is more real than we are!
I met Him...or is it that He showed up at the surgeries...well, I encountered Him.
He wasn't there to console me or comfort me... His Presence alone gave Life...a deep strength i have never known. His Presence was very matter of if the surgeries were just a routine pit stop. (To be cont'd. )

Yep....I'm get my strength back!!!

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