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πŸ˜‚....just follow the science!!! 😜😜

Hello Folks..If we are more aligned to our "group" more than Christ....are we true worshippers...are we really disciples?? ?

Due to my new Ninja status...I have changed my profile picture.
Brother, Sister...I am here for YOU!!!!!😌

(to be read aloud whilst playing an adventure soundtrack.. thanks)

Ninjas are not!....they are forged through the crucible of dings....they are conceived through the womb of inspiration!!! Yes... endowed with creativity...filled with Godly Comfort, Encourage, edify.... ------ To Ding!
I am enemy is your boredom and your frown!!!
I will lift you, encourage you..make you rolling on the floor in laughter...I will stir up the joy of the Lord in You!!!
I am a Ninja. (Coming to your Timeline soon) πŸ‘ŠπŸΎ

I will hereby receive congratulations for reaching 1000 dings ...
I am officially a NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why, why, why?

Why would we want fame, when God promises us glory? Why would we be seeking the wealth of the world when the wealth of heaven is ours? Why would we run for a crown that will perish with time, when we're called to win a crown that is imperishable? -Paul Washer

Jesus’ life and ministry consistently reveal the humble character of a servant. Though he rightfully owned the entire cosmos, he, by choice, had no place to lay his head (Matt. 8:20). Though he rightfully should have been honored by the world’s most esteemed dignitaries, he chose to fellowship with tax collectors, drunkards, prostitutes, and other socially unacceptable sinners (Matt. 11:19; Mark 2:15; Luke 5:29–30; 15:1; cf. Luke 7:31–50). Though he rightfully could have demanded service and worship from all, he served the lame and the sick by healing them, the demonized by delivering them, and the outcasts by befriending them. This is what the kingdom of God looks like. - Gregory A. Boyd

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