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Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Does the fire still burn in your heart or has it smoldered and gone cold? Are you alive in Christ? Jesus is continually calling you, will this be the day you turn to Him? There is still Hope for you!

Wednesday evening and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Are you weary in the battle? Are you discouraged? Look to Jesus tonight! There is comfort in your darkest hour! There is peace in the valley for you! Put your trust in Christ, invite Christ in today!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! There is a light at the end of the tunnel! Just a little bit further, just another bend in the road. Soon, we will understand it all! Put your trust in Jesus Christ today! Keep pressing on! Keep praying!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Do you love the Lord with all your heart? Are you striving to follow Christ? Jesus is the answer! He continually offers Hope to all that will put their trust in Him! Come unto Jesus Christ today!

Monday evening War Update: The corrupt strategy of the enemy will only advance so far until God says it is enough! Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness! It is in Christ alone that you will find strength and Hope to press on!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Is your Hope built on nothing less than the blood of Jesus? God is not willing that any should perish but that all should have everlasting life! Today is another opportunity to seek the Lord!

Sunday evening and the Grace of God is sufficient for you! There is not a battle or struggle in which you are facing or going through, that God will not help you if you put your trust in in Him! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! There is Hope for you!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus sweetness Name I know! A friend of sinners, a Hope of all that are lost, discouraged and overwhelmed! Come unto Jesus Christ today! Place your hand in His!

Intimacy with God precedes service! Until we become seekers of God’s heart and become intimate with Him we will never get beyond ourselves and see the needs of others.

Saturday evening War Update: The enemy would love to destroy you with fear and discouragement, be not dismayed God is not finished yet! Cling to His everlasting promises and trust in His unseen hand! God will make a way!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Depression and hopelessness can and will destroy you, but putting your trust in Jesus Christ gives Hope and Victory! Come unto Jesus Christ today! There is still Hope for you!

Friday evening War Update: When the enemy comes in like a flood, grip tighter too the hand of God! Cling to the promise that Christ is preparing a place for you! Keep praying, keep trusting, keep encouraged, keep holding on, victory is on the way!

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Regardless of creed, color or nationality, Christ Jesus died for you! For God so loved you that He gave His Son for your redemption! Come whosoever will unto Jesus Christ today!

Thursday evening War Update: The battle against the conservatives and the Church is ramping up!Christians fret not, Jesus said these days would come. Jesus said, He would never leave or forsake us! He knows all about our battles!

Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Amazing Grace, marvelous Grace of our loving Lord! Grace that is greater than all our sin! God has all the Grace you need! Come unto Jesus Christ today, let Him wash your sins away!

Wednesday evening and God’s Love is abundant and free! Regardless of the depth of your sin, God’s Love reaches deeper! Jesus is continually waiting for your response to His love! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! Put your trust in Him!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Sin will leave you empty and alone. Moments are passing quickly, are you right with God? Jesus is continually calling you, come while you can! Christ is the answer! There is Hope for you!

Tuesday evening War Update: Remember that the battle is the Lord’s! We must keep our focus on Christ the King of Kings! Keep praying, keep trusting, keep encouraged there is Hope and victory in Christ tonight! Put your trust in Jesus Christ!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Jesus is come that you might have Life, Hope and Peace! Whosoever will that believes will have everlasting life! As long as there is life there is Hope! Come unto Jesus Christ today!

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