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Monday evening War Update: Is your armor updated? Have you been praying? Have you been getting into the Bible? Have you been focused on Christ or your problems? Jesus is continually calling you, get your armor updated tonight! There is Hope!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Jesus is continually calling you, come unto Him today! God’s Grace is greater than your sin! Jesus loves you!Jesus cares about you! He knows just what you need! Our God reigns!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The stone has been rolled away, the tomb is empty! Jesus is risen! Yes, Jesus is risen indeed! Because He Lives you and I can face tomorrow! If you do not yet know Jesus seek Him today!

Saturday night, the darkest before the dawn. The morning is coming! Soon the brightness will shine around the World, of an empty tomb and a risen Savior! Hallelujah what a Savior!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Sin will take you deeper than you thought, sin will leave you empty and hopeless! Jesus came, died and arose so that you would have Hope! For God so loved you that whosoever might be saved!

Friday evening War Update: If you have lost your way in the fog of war and all seems hopeless, there is still Hope for you in Christ! Jesus is just passing by! Call unto Him tonight! Jesus loves you! He came just for you!

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! I still believe in the Cross! I still believe that Jesus died to save you and me! Jesus is continually calling you, come unto Him today! There is still Hope for you! Jesus loves you!

Thursday evening War Update: Unless we as a Nation turn back to God, the America we know and knew will no longer be! We have a small window of opportunity! Will you be among the number who turn from sin and seek the Lord?

It will be worth it

Come with me way back,
Clear back to the beginning.
To the point just before creation,
Where decisions were in the making.

Let us listen to the conversation,
Between the Father and The Son.
As They discuss ideas of Creation,
Before the procedure is begun.

The Son, says; to His Father,
I want to create the Earth.
And man in Our own image,
To take care of this Earth.

The Father, replies; wonderful,
But, just a one word of caution.
These humans you want to create,
To return your love and adoration.

Will need a plan of redemption,
For they will sin and turn away.
They will disregard your Laws,
And ultimately reject your way.

Furthermore, this plan of redemption,
Will cost you your life on The Cross.
You will ultimately give your blood,
As the complete sacrifice for humans.

Jesus, replies; Oh my Father!
“It will be worth it”
“I understand the price to pay,
But it will so be worth it”!

Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! As the winds of deception and chaos are whirling around, look to Jesus, whom completely saves! Jesus is not willing that any should be lost, but should all come to repentance!

Wednesday evening War Update: As the World approaches the midnight hour, continue to pray and seek the Lord! As long as there is life there is Hope! Jesus is continually calling you, come just as you are!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Jesus suffered willingly and gave His life for you! Have you given your heart and life to Him? Come unto Jesus Christ today, He is continually calling you! There is still Hope for you!

Tuesday evening War Update: Where is your focus? Are you blinded by the fog of war and chaos of corruption? Look to Jesus and live! Regardless of your situation or walk of life, come unto Jesus Christ tonight! There is still Hope for you!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Yes! The enemy is fighting but do not focus on the enemy. Keep your eyes on Jesus! The Lord knows the way before you! Put your trust in Jesus Christ today! Christ is the answer!

Monday evening War Update: Are you awake yet? Awakened to the fact that the enemy is real? We are in a real battle, Truth against Godlessness! We must be in prayer daily! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! There is Hope for you! Jesus loves you!

Pinky1776 boosted

Here to ask for earnest prayer on behalf of a dear missionary family in China. They cannot post for themselves. Their family is besieged with respiratory illness, several of them severely. The consequences of even being suspected of being ill like this are severe in China. This family needs the healing power that Jesus paid for on the Cross.They are weary in the battle. Please pray.

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Are you weighed down with your cares and concerns? Give it all to Jesus! When you give it all completely to Jesus, He will work out every detail for His honor and your good!

Sunday evening War Update: History is His story! God remains in control, His timing is best! All things work together for good to them that love the Lord! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! There is still Hope for you! Jesus knows all about your struggles!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The Lord has provided a sacrificial Lamb for our redemption! The Cross still stands as an emblem of God’s Grace! There is still Hope for you today! Come unto Jesus Christ just as you are!

Evil is advancing, while the Church is concerned about performance! We must humble ourselves and repent and turn from our wicked ways! Only by returning to God will we be able to prevail and see the lost brought to Christ!

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