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Pinky1776 boosted

I'm requesting prayer tonight.
I'm feeling a little down and feeling the pressure of things around. My wife and our 4 children and I are planning on moving to Brazil in around 100 days from now. We believe we have heard from the Lord over a period of a few years.
We already have our plane tickets (SkyMiles used), we are working on moving out (less than 2 months remains on our lease), I still have a crud-ton of debt that I am believing for God to miraculously remove or help with so that I can leave no debt unpaid. I have not received exact details from the Lord on what I will be doing there (ministry or small store or both or import/export).
A little background: I was invited to preach in Brazil a little over 10 years ago and went towards the end of 2011, well needless to say, the Holy Ghost revealed to us that the Pastor's daughter would be my wife (on the day before leaving from a 2 week mission), and almost 10 years later, we are 9 (happy) years married and have 4 children......

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! There is Hope for the lost! There is Hope for the weary! There is Hope for those struggling! There is Hope for those who feel hopeless! Put your trust in Jesus Christ today!

Saturday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! God’s Grace goes deeper than the stain of sin has gone! Regardless of what you have done or where you have been, Jesus is calling you! Put your trust in Jesus Christ tonight!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Your week has come and gone, are you any closer to God? Jesus is just a prayer away and He longs to here from you! Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother! Come to Jesus today!

Friday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! Are you worried and discouraged? Are you at the end of your rope? Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! Put your trust in Jesus and He will give you Grace and Hope!

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Seek you the Lord, cry unto Him while He is near! Put your trust in Jesus Christ today! Jesus is waiting at the crossroads for you! Will this be the day you take the first step towards the Savior?

Thursday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! Put your trust in Jesus Christ and continue to press forward, do not look back! Jesus knows about your every struggle and the path before you! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight!

Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Satan is a liar and the father of lies, be not deceived by him. Christ Jesus is the God of all Hope and Truth! Come unto Jesus Christ today, He is the answer! Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life!

Wednesday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! Jesus is never too busy to care about you! No load or burden too heavy for Him to carry! Bring your burdens to Jesus Christ and leave them there! Put your trust in Jesus tonight!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ? Jesus made a way for you to come directly to Him! Come just as you are and He will not cast you out! Jesus is only a prayer away!

Tuesday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! Are you thirsty and dry? Are you tired in the battle? Do you feel hopeless? There is sufficient Grace for you tonight! Put your trust in Jesus Christ! There is still Hope for you in Christ!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Have you found yourself at the crossroads and not sure of the path ahead? Turn to Christ! Put your trust in Jesus and let Him lead you! There is still Hope in Jesus! He will lead you home!

Monday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! Have you put your trust in Jesus? Do you have a relationship with Christ? Has God’s Grace been applied in your life? Tonight, there is still Hope for you! Jesus is continually calling you!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Are you struggling and seeking to fill the void in your life? Jesus is just a prayer away! Jesus says, come unto Me all you that are tired and struggling and I will give you rest! Come unto Jesus today!

Sunday evening and God’s Grace is sufficient! Although circumstances around you are hard to face God’s Grace is greater! There is still Hope for you tonight, just put your trust in Jesus Christ! Jesus is continually calling you to come!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The God of all mercy and grace is enough! All that you need He will always be! Come unto Jesus Christ today! Begin a Beautiful relationship with Jesus Christ! Christ is the answer!

Saturday evening and God’s Grace is sufficient! When pain and suffering become more than we can bear, God is enough! Put your trust in Jesus Christ tonight! God loves you and His Grace is sufficient for you in your time of need!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! As the sun rises at the dawning of this new day, the Lord’s mercies are new! Come unto Jesus Christ today, let Him give you the peace your longing for! There is still Hope for you in Jesus Christ!

Friday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! The way of Salvation through Jesus Christ, provides Hope to all that put their trust in Him! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight, there is Hope for you!

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