GOD gave me two words for 2020.
Paradigm Shift
Had to look up definitions just to be clear. A fundamental shift in the foundations of how things work.
WOW was He right as always!
Masks that are utterly useless against any virus.
3rd world level corruption in voting in the US of A.
Lawlessness with governors approval.
Closing Churchs
Destroying the world economy via lock downs.
A complete loss of any form of logic regarding coronavirus.
Corruption boiled to the surface across the world.
A newly formed federation of evil economic giants led by the moral compass of the worst Pope in history under the guise of bringing morality into capitalism...
And on and on...
GOD is not disturbed in the least and all my hope and trust is in Him, so I'm good.
BTW We ain't seen nothing yet. Men's hearts failing them for things coming upon the earth...
Pray without ceasing and Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Love & Prayers


Time to mobilize. Time to demonstrate - CHRIST IN US

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