Looking at America today, what do you see?

You see the mobilization of the youth in support of Democratic Party causes, demonizing those who disagree with the Democratic Party, and even the harassment and jailing of those who protest against the Democratic Party. I don’t know about you, but there seems to be a pattern here. If we don’t stand up for our rights, America may well go down the same brutal and bloody path that China did.

The Energy Transition to Net-Zero Emissions is an Evil Joke of Greedy Globalists
by Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris | May 18, 2022 | Climate Change, Energy, Politics


Never hire an arsonist to put out the fire.

Hmm..🤔 Pfizer comes out with a monkeypox "vaccine" the same time monkeypox fearmongering hits the news.

It's almost like Gates and company invented this in the ukraine bioweapons labs with gain of function and released it on the world AGAIN.🤬

Vaccinated Have Up To SIX Times the Infection Rate of Unvaccinated, New Zealand Government Data Show dailysceptic.org/?p=108907

Quick lesson in how to get permanently banned by Twitter in record time! #memeticwarfare

Another Young Star Gets Sidelined With Blood Clot and Nobody's Looking at the Jabs as the Unambiguous Cause jdrucker.substack.com/p/anothe

I read this somewhere so it’s not original but still true : you can blame Putin all you want but if Trump was reinstated as President gas would be under $3 a gallon in a month .

TGP: Texas Authorities Raid Far-Left Harris County Judge’s Office, Seize Computers in Probe Related to $11 Million ‘Vaccine Contract’ Awarded to Political Crony… cntpd.link/xkwHv

Did flawed $$$$$$ incentives convince the money-losing hospitals to murder 100,000s of people for a 150K for each murder?

Edward Dowd: "If True It Boggles The Mind: An 84% INCREASE In Deaths AfterCovid Shots, 61,000 excess deaths; This is what we call democide--death by government celiafarber.substack.com/p/edw

Now that has decided to limit your searches to what they want you to see what search engine still list all the news, currently using them as my search engine but obviously can’t do the search using them

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