
“I’m a Real Doctor not a Medical Doctor….”

By PATRICK Byrne, AUGUST 9, 2021

Quote 2:

"To this day, hospital protocols across the USA still hold that when people present with positive Covid-19 tests and early-stage Covid-19 symptoms, tell them to go home, rest, take Ibuprofen, and let it run its course. In other words, “Have some chicken soup.” Shockingly, the protocol is not to tell people about HCQ and Ivermectin. Only if a case gets bad enough is a patient instructed to reappear at the hospital for more aggressive treatment (e.g., monoclonal antibodies, or ultimately, intubation, which are worth at least $3,000 and $10,000 to the hospital, respectively).

Those instructions are killing Americans, have their origin in decisions made in Washington, DC. They have little to do with what is best for the health of Americans, and everything to do with the political considerations of a regime that came to power in a rigged election."

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