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Theories of doom abound, and the doom does not disappoint. It comes and comes and comes, and doom fills every fiber of our beings like a molecular agent that alters our psyches and predisposes us to doom. We have been programmed for a while to accept the low and lifeless energy of doom, which is like a car that is sputtering into its last few breaths before becoming an inoperable mass of steel. Doom creates depression and depression creates inertia and even suicide, which is what the elites want. They want us to be filled with doom and unable to act against it. They want us to be so convinced of our own doom that the future is enmeshed in the dark furnace of despair. They want us to shelter in place so that we cannot unite against them as they continue their evil deeds. Doom, then, has been fed to us, like bread to the homeless, for very specific reasons, and it must be purged like all terrible and invasive things that lead to death and destruction.

God has come to me in dreams, and then these dreams form a fellowship of images that haunt my waking life like little sprinkles of rain on a hot summer day. I realize that the Godship of Biblical sonnets holds my mind in place even as the lies feed the plastic lions in their encasements of doom. I reject the aspect of Christianity that seeks to bestow goodness on those who do not possess it, and in the theater of this invented goodness sits God again with the traipsing spirit of the Divine in retreat. I yearn for a kind of renewal that I find at the end of each yearning. The God of the Christians is the God of all Gods, and it is He who dances with me on the moon of endless midnights. He is good-humored and jolly, forgiving and speedy in his ministrations of forgiveness. I am His right-hand man, standing upon the wings that can only be seen by those who possess them. I am the sound of fury that rumbles in the storm of goodness.

The evil among us is even greater, and more rampant, than any of us could ever have imagined. It's been metastasizing for a while now, inherent in our decaying culture and gaining more and more strength and audacity with each passing generation. Now it is so overt that it no longer needs disguises, and we are seeing it for what it was all along: a hideous monstrosity, scarred by the deformities of its own twisted formation. It's called Marxism, the great killer of nations, the great robber of souls, the great seducer of minds. It sneaks into the educational system, first and foremost, preying upon the youngsters' impressionable minds and their neurotic desire to separate themselves from the culture of their parents and grandparents. It promises "social justice" to a lot of spoiled kids who want to think that they are responding to the suffering of others. From there, they spill out into the world with a venom and viciousness that is startling and mind-boggling. They are vermin!


Forget BitCoin, after seeing the price of ammunition today, I am investing in block-chain bullets.

I feel that we have reached a dangerous point in America. Liberalism has obviously been corrupted by Marxism, and now liberals are essentially rabid Marxists. Yet, incredibly, they deny this, insisting that they are merely "progressives," and that progressivism/socialism is NOT the same as Marxism. It takes a special kind of idiot to be a Marxist, think and speak and act like a Marxist and then, in the very next breath, DENY that you are a Marxist. But this is the skewed logic of the liberals, which is one of many reasons that we must all come together and reject every aspect, every derivative, every manifestation, of this toxic and idiotic ideology. Let us not be brainwashed anymore into thinking that "liberalism" is all about "tolerance" and "kindness" and "peace," because their actions prove the very opposite of this absurd insinuation. Please, Patriots, join me in my utter and complete rejection of liberalism!!

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