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Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

What begins and ends with 'e', but only has one letter in it?

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

When you're down, I'm up.
When you're up, I'm down.
I am magnificent,
But I only reflect my counterpart.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

'Tis not a flag, but it waves.
'Tis not liquid, but it flows.
'Tis not string, but it ties.
'Tis not grass, but it grows.

I shall reveal the answer tomorrow at noon, then we'll see who got it right! 😁
Remember: that which is the answer must be able to wave, flow, tie, and grow.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

'Tis not a flag, but it waves.
'Tis not liquid, but it flows.
'Tis not string, but it ties.
'Tis not grass, but it grows.

Think carefully. Remember: that which is the answer must be able to wave, flow, tie, and grow.
I shall reveal the answer on Saturday.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

'Tis not a flag, but it waves.
'Tis not liquid, but it flows.
'Tis not string, but it ties.
'Tis not grass, but it grows.

For this riddle, I shan't give the answer for three days. I'll repost this riddle once a day, then on Saturday at noon, I shall reveal the answer.
Think carefully. Remember: that which is the answer must be able to wave, flow, tie, and grow.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's a simple one to end the week;

If you see me,
You see yourself.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

What has a neck, but no head?
What has arms, but no hands?

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

I don't move, but I can be followed.
I'm not in charge, but I can lead.
I don't have legs, but I can rise.
I'm not flexible, but I can bend.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one (it's been written in many, many different ways over the years, but I quite like this version);

I'm sometimes short.
I'm sometimes tall.
And sometimes you
can't see me at all.
Now before me;
Now behind-
Who can jump over me?
None you'll find.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

I come as double or nothing.
If you have one of me, you have two.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

What is greater than God,
more evil than the devil,
the poor have it,
the rich need it,
and if you eat it, you'll die?

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