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"Summer Forest Walk"
There's nothing quite like seeing the sun shining through the leaves of the trees above you, glistening as the branches sway in the breeze, casting spots of light on the lush green grass before you. I took this picture on a thoroughly relaxing walk that provided such an experience.
I composed the photograph to ensure the path featured prominently, yet the canopy and the sun also drew the eye to a certain extent.
The question is: do you prefer the original vibrant, colourful version, or the classic, nostalgic, monochrome version?

"Full Moon"
A stunning full moon from the other night. Incredibly, the moon was so bright that it was actually difficult to look at. And in order to photograph it and the surrounding environment from my window, I had to create a composite image. I took two photos for each final picture, one with the exposure set for the moon, and one with the exposure set for the foreground. I subsequently merged the two in post-editing.
For additional tweaks, I tried to make them look as similar to what I really saw as I could.

Anyone up for a good ?
Here's one:

Found on faces and arms,
And after a deal and 'helping'.

Taken nearly a year ago, this picture stands out in my collection.
Walking along by a lake near our house, these large grass blades caught my eye. Illuminated from behind and crossing over one another, I thought they looked quite fascinating.
Here are some different versions of the photo that I've created, each a unique hue, and one monochrome.
Do let me know which is your favourite, or whether you think another hue might be interesting.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

Now miles away,
Now closer than skin.
Now in the long lost past,
Now in the distant future.
Unlimited by time and space;
Roaming effortless from place to place.

I was playing with my new diffuser tent recently. I began shooting these guys, with a chessboard as my setting, but then they started cleaning it! I just had to photograph them to show everyone. 😉

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

I can run, jump, and charge,
Yet I have no legs.

"Night Bloomer"
This is one picture from a photo session the other day. There are a variety of bushes in our front garden, each with a unique flower at differing times of the year. Just recently, these began blooming (though I have no idea what the bush is).
I set the exposure to make the flower itself stand out dramatically. During post editing I made the colour temperature especially cool and caused the flower stand out even more by darkening and slightly blurring the leaves around it.

And this is the simpler version, with minimal touching up.

"Road to Nowhere"
Roads can be such great subjects for a photo. There's something wonderfully mysterious about a path leading to an unknown destination.
This is from a walk just a week ago, which I went on with my family. When I went to edit the image, I soon knew I wanted to give it a foreboding, adventurous feel, with red as the primary colour. So, after substantial editing and a number of revisits, I finally finished it this afternoon. Hope you like it.
(I've posted 'before' and 'after' for comparison)

"Opened Up"
Just a simple picture of a small white flower taken on a walk a while ago. Which do you prefer? Is it the darker, cooler version, or the slightly brighter, warmer version? I can't decide myself.

"Lil' White Flower"
In many ways, this picture, in both appearance and backstory, is rather plain and uninspiring. The flower itself is exceedingly common in British grasslands, and I found this one in my back garden. However, because of, and in spite of, this, I rather like the photo. The colours aren't bold or dramatic, the picture doesn't pop, and the subject is quite ordinary. But that only accentuates the simple, unpretentious elegance of the little white flower.

"The Black Rose Bush"
This image is, intentionally, rather dramatic. For a short period this summer, there were large, vibrant flowers growing on a bush outside our house. This is one of those pictures. I waited for an overcast sky so that I would have soft shadows. The black bush was achieved post-edit, and helped convey the lonely beauty of the solitary flower.

Anyone like a good ?
I haven't posted one for some time, but I have a number in my collection now, so you can expect more in weeks to come. 😉
Here's one:

I have feet, but no legs;
I have arms, but no hands;
I have a back, but no spine;
Your seat is in fact mine.

"A Drop in the Ocean"
I was really pleased with this photo when I first took it about 6 months ago. There was a tiny drop of water on a pair of shorts, so I set up a light and pointed it at the drop. I tried different angles, but eventually decided that having the light directly behind the subject looked best, illuminating the drop and bringing out the texture of the fabric. I then positioned the drop as close to the centre of the frame as I could.

Nothing quite so well illustrates a forlorn, foreboding atmosphere as dark, ominous clouds. I was fortunate enough to see these splendidly textured clouds looming overhead near our house the other day.

I took this pair of photos while on a composition-scouting walk. Sauntering along an uninspiring overgrown path, I noticed a petal on the floor which, unlike the rest around it, had a distinct resemblance to a heart. So, I stopped, and, experimenting with a number of angles and positions for myself and the subject, took the images below. Thankfully, the clouds blocked the sun for a short while at the time, which gave me a nicely diffused light to work with.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

Yet to be,
Not to see.
Ever near,
Never here.

Anyone like a good ?
Here's one:

Yet to be,
Not to see.
Ever near,
Never here.

Took this on a pleasant afternoon walk some time ago. Two branches framed the tracks nicely.

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