69. Biblical Names in Inscriptions

Gallio (Acts 18:12 etc). A portion of the Delphi Inscription from Delphi, Greece, dated January-August 52 AD, reads: “Gallio, my fr[iend] an[d procon]cil.” It supports Luke’s chronology and recording of the events during Paul’s travels.

151. Prophecy of the Messiah

Micah 5:2 reads “But you, Bethlehem…out of you will come … one to be ruler … whose goings forth are from of old, from the days of eternity.” Matthew 2:1 (codex Bezae): “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea during the time of king Herod …”

4. Names of Biblical People in Inscriptions

Simon the Cyrenian carried the crossbeam of Jesus (Mark 15:21). The ossuary of his son Alexander was discovered. The inscription pre 70 AD (Heb. Univ. No. 1965) reads: 1. “Alexander the Cyrenian,” 2. “Alexander (son of) Simon.”

93. New Testament People

There are at least thirty people in the New Testament that have been cited by non-Christian sources and or confirmed by archaeology. The New Testament contains multiple independent accounts by eight different authors.

184. Early Church Father’s New Testament Quotes

190. Pharaoh of the Exodus: A Pattern of Evidence Part II

165. Prophecy of the Messiah

Isaiah 53:6 DSS reads: “We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way, and the LORD has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all.” 1 Peter 2:24 Codex Sinaiticus: “He [Jesus] Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree …”

51. Intelligent Design: Complex Molecular Machines

The bacterial flagellum is powered by a rotary motor which has a drive shaft, universal joint, rotor, bushings, stator, and a clutch and braking system. It has a near 100% efficiency and displays a clear top-down design logic.

136. Eye Witnesses

Codex Sinaiticus is dated 330-360 AD and contains the entire Greek New Testament. In Acts 10:39-40 (below image) Peter says, “We are witnesses of all that he [Jesus] did. And although they killed him … God raised him up on the third day …”

21. Israel (Genesis 32:28, etc). God renamed Jacob (2006-1859 BC), the grandson of Abraham, Israel (ca. 1909 BC). The Berlin Relief No. 21687 (15th cent. BC), name ring 3, reads: i3-shr-i-r(=l) “Israel.” The Merneptah Stele (13th cent. BC), line 26, reads: i-s-r-r(=l) “Israel.”

The Land of Israel: “the land belongs to Me.”

190. The Hebrew Conquest of Canaan: A Pattern of Evidence

189. Pharaoh of the Exodus: A Pattern of Evidence

107. Bible Antiquity

While excavating a tomb near Jerusalem in 1979, two silver scroll amulets dated paleographically to 650-586 BC were uncovered, having the Aaronic Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26) in Paleo-Hebrew, providing evidence for the antiquity of the Pentateuch.

93. New Testament People

There are at least thirty people in the New Testament that have been cited by non-Christian sources and or confirmed by archaeology. The New Testament contains multiple independent accounts by eight different authors.

106. Intelligent Design

Helicases are essential enzymes involved in all aspects of nucleic acid metabolism including DNA replication, repair and transcription. The helicase PcrA can unwind DNA for transcription at an incredible rate of over 1000 base pairs per second.

19. Biblical People in Inscriptions

Gemariah son of Shaphan (Jeremiah 36:10-12). A son of Shaphan the scribe and servant of king Jehoiakim of Judah (609-598 BC). A City of David bulla dated before 586 BC reads: lgmryhw [b]n spn “Belonging to Gemaryahu, [so]n of Shaphan.”

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