A school is absolutely NOT NECESSARY for education! And school does not always equal education. I can see the end result of all this being "Homeschool doesn't work. We tried it en-masse and kids fail".
People need to unschool and start educating. And it doesn't take loads of money and equipment. Thanks you Sherri Hayes of momdelights.com for helping me see these wonderful truths! It has changed my life

a fixed or firm belief:

So if we claim we have a religious conviction, are we truly "FIXED" in that belief? If we say we have a conviction against wearing a mask, then we should not wear a masks even to "be nice."

Can anyone recommend a truly safe email host? Short of hosting my own email server, I'm looking for options away from oogle and others.

Please watch this conversation between these two doctors about hydrogel. Have any of you ever heard of this before?



dingdash.com is one server in the network