
You heard of elf on the Shelf, Get ready for on the Skeptics! Resolving Nine "" alleged Contradictions the skeptics bring up:


there is a contradiction in Christianity of which the Christians are not aware of.

Christians say that God became Man when Jesus was born of Mary the “Mother of God”.

the Christian “Jesus” is not Jesus, the man from Nazareth, as he is known from the Scripture,

The Christian “Jesus” is a hybrid “God-Man”, part of the hybrid three part God called the “Trinity”.

all of that is completely against the Scripture where God is one and Jesus is the Son of God, not “God the Son”.

original Christianity was done away with by fourth century, what you have today is Fake.

read your Bible, God willing you will find the truth.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
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