We surrender all ! Soon a group of youngsters will memorize John 3:16 and Great Commission from Matthew 28: 18-20.
They are from rural farming background.
We disciple them in various areas.
Pray that these hands may heal the sick, raise the dead and baptize in their poverty stricken communities.
#BTJ #Training
#Book Review and #free e-book: #Christ our High Priest
#Christianity #Jesus #Gospel https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2024/11/04/free-pdf-and-review-the-unwritten-wonders-of-the-grace-of-christ-2/
Spurgeon's Evening - 18th November
Thanks Why?outreach for this meme of our #Bible #apologetics post! Here's another one we answered: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2021/11/18/bible-contradiction-what-was-solomons-payment-to-hiram/
Admiral Lord Nelson's Trafalgar Prayer
Video of Presuppositional apologists united to expose the self-refuting nature of objections against Presuppositional #Apologetics: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/12/05/revealed-apologetics-show-facebook-presuppers-unite-to-respond-to-objections-to-presuppositional-apologetics/
This #Sunday at #Church: #Praise #God there’s no political violence days after 2024 US Presidential Election
#Christianity #Prayer #Thanksgiving https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2024/11/10/this-sunday-at-church-praise-god-theres-no-political-violence-days-after-2024-us-presidential-election/
Spurgeon's Evening - 17th November
Answering the critics' false allegations of a #Bible contradiction: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2021/11/12/bible-contradiction-did-god-give-gehazi-elishas-servant-leprosy/
Psalm Sunday (119:130)
With all the scandals of celebrity preachers and pastors, the role for accountability to the Congregation with congregational authority is more important than ever. See our "Answering Objections to #Church #Congregational Authority Part 3"
#Ministry #Christianity https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2024/10/30/objections-to-congregational-authority-part-3/
Spurgeon's Evening - 16th November