Praise God, Bishaka's deception over the Ugandan people will hopefully cease. I know much prayer and evangelism must be done to counter all his years of lies and false miracles. As the gospel continues to go forth, I hope that you can demonstrate and preach in power, by the Holy Ghost, how God raised Jesus of Nazareth from the dead and He lives forevermore!
Thank you for sharing, brother.


Months ago, Bisaka was reported for having collapsed at his palace in Kapyemi Kibaale district due to high blood pressure. He was later rushed to Agha Khan hospital in Kenya where he was monitored under the Intensive Care Unit.
Bisaka was born on 11 June 1930 at Kitoma Kiboizi in the Parish of Bujuni. His grandfather Alifonso Wenkere worked as a catechist, but it was his grandmother Nykakake who taught him about God.
Bisakathen desired to be a priest but did not get a chance. He later qualified as a teacher and he started serving the Catholic Church as a choirmaster. Bisaka composed many catholic Runyoro hymns sung to date.
In 1948 he failed to be admitted into a minor seminary, he changed his attitude toward the church leaders.
He became critical of the catholic faith, only to announce his revelation in 1975. A revelation that completely got him out of the church to begin his own church and himself as God –Owobusobozi.

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