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@raymondthebrave Our model to follow is the one giving in the New Testament, and that model does not show the church of that time constructing buildings or operating expensive programs. What we see is simplicity, fellowship and a desire to spread the gospel and strengthen the disciples. This, in my mind, is step one to going “underground”. Scrap the buildings, focus on making disciples.

@raymondthebrave ultimately there is no example in the New Testament of churches conceding to any official dictates of the Roman government. We obey laws that are reasonable and beneficial to society, but we disobey laws that are in conflict with our conscience and the place of Jesus as ultimate king in our life. (This is a delicate and contentious topic, I know).

@raymondthebrave for years we have slowly watched society become less friendly to our faith and more accepting of everything morally and philosophically against it. In America we have the government approved nonprofit status most churches and ministries sign up for. In England it is a charitable status. This status allows us privileges of tax exemption. I recently dissolved the nonprofit status of my ministry because I did not want to have the government able to dictate anything we taught.

Could now be a good time for the faithful believers in America to go underground?

@TheTranslator what is the best/most specifically detailed interlinear hebrew/English Bible?

Does anybody know the status of Hong Kong? I heard that the Chinese anti-information net was thrown over them and now it’s limited access to worldwide communication.

Hello All,
Just joined DingDash. Been following B2J for a few years. I love teaching the Scriptures and do a podcast.
Looking forward to meeting you all.

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