"Ein König richtet das Land auf durchs Recht; wer aber viel Steuern erhebt, richtet es zugrunde." -Sprüche 29,4- (Luther)😂👍

I'm Captain XIN. My mission is to introduce a private means of payment to all people worldwide on a real decentralized block chain. Click here to go to the DAO Blockchain platform. www.infinity-economics.org.
If you have any questions or are interested, please send me a message. Focus on Christ!

我是辛队长 我的使命是在真正的去中心化区块链上向全球所有人介绍一种私人的支付手段。点击这里进入DAO区块链平台。www.infinity-economics.org。


dingdash.com is one server in the network