If you haven't heard, Canadian pastor James Coates is in jail for holding church services in defiance of COVID edicts. I'm sure he's busy starting a prison ministry from the inside...

"Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear." (Phil 1:12-14)

I guess sacrificing women's sports is a small price to pay for getting rid of Trump's mean tweets, right? 🙄

Thought for the day...

All those "fact check" warnings that other social media sites put on your posts are not intended to change your mind. They are intended to keep the people who already accept their narrative blissfully asleep.


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