
Ezekiel was such a blessing to the captives in Chaldea, for he was a prisoner himself, and so wrote, “I sat where they sat” (Ezekiel 3:15 amp). Paul uses an arresting phrase, “the fellowship of His sufferings” (Philippians 3:10). This conveys the same idea about a mutual sharing of trials and sorrows. Are we lonely? If so, we can tell Jesus all about our experience, and He will console us. Remember, He had nowhere to lay His head, and all His disciples forsook Him and fled. At the cross, too, there is the mystery too deep for us to understand: He was momentarily forsaken by His Father for our sins. Are we in pain? Jesus can enter with us into such physical anguish for He knew what anticipated pain was, yet went steadily onward to meet it. (See Matthew 16:21; 20:17–19.) Then, did He not suffer the most terrible kind of actual and physical pain when He was scourged, crowned with thorns, and crucified? (See Matthew 27:26, 29, 35.) ....

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