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In my last video "The Enemy's Plan To Install A Puppet King," the Lord revealed through Isaiah, chapter seven, what He is about to do which is stop the evil plan to install a puppet president (Joe Biden) and destroy our nation's government under the current constitution given to us by God. Verse one tells who the alliance is between to destroy Judah. It was their brothers in the northern kingdom of Israel (referred to as Ephraim), and Aram, a foreign nation. I see this occurring in America. A certain portion of our fellow citizens have joined together with foreign leaders to bring down to dismantle what our Forefathers established by God. Therefore, He will, like Israel and Aram, cut them down from ushering in their great reset. Instead, God will be doing the resetting. Amen!!!

The Lord's halting of the enemy's current plan to destroy our nation through the installation of a puppet king/president is revealed through Isaiah, chapter seven. Even more interesting is how it's confirmed by the sign of the virgin birth of Christ, the Messiah, now being celebrated during the Christmas season.

Stand firm Christian! This will not be over until JESUS SAYS IT'S OVER!!!

This is not a time to back down, or bow down. Gideon's army, the sifted few are being called together for the final assault that will bring about victory. Who will answer the historical call for the soul of our nation?

Through the life of Queen Esther the authority of the Bride of Christ to petition and decree is revealed.

May the Lord rebuke this arrogant mocker of God and His word. Who are you to use the Lord's word? You call for unity in your make believe, dress-up world of political fantasy, ignoring the FACT that you not only used your own son to sell out our nation, but have been the cause of GREAT disunity. You will NEVER sit in the most honorable seat within our nation because you are a disgraceful, dishonorable puppet of the devil. You and your coup attempting comrades will perish.

We are now in a state of transition from what has been to what will now be. By looking at the date of November 11, and some significant 400 year periods in the Bible and world, we see a significant shift that has taken place in the spiritual realm, causing some major shakings on earth.

This is the third video of the "2020" series. In the first video, "2020; The Dawning Of The Light," I began to share what the Lord revealed to me on Easter morning this year from Matthew 28:1-2. In this one, and the second video, I share the second portion that involves a great shaking that has already begun, and its purpose.

This is the second video of the "2020" series. In the first video, "2020; The Dawning Of The Light," I began to share what the Lord revealed to me on Easter morning this year from Matthew 28:1-2. In this one I share the second portion that involves a great shaking that has already begun, and its purpose.

On Easter morning, April 12, 2020, I received a revelation from the Lord regarding what would begin to occur this year. It involved His light beginning to grow, a severe shaking, and the reproach (shame and disgrace) of His people being rolled away in the dawning of a new day.

On Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, I was seeking the Lord and this is what He led me to. It is from Jeremiah 15:1-9. The heading in my Bible says, "Judgment Must Come." It's connected with the sins of King Manasseh, number one being the shedding of innocent blood.

I wrote this warning from God for His people, the church, a couple of years ago. It is even MORE relevant today as our window of opportunity closes further. Soon, it will be too late. There is a free downloadable pdf file on the website, as well as a free kindle download. On this day, September 11, PLEASE LISTEN.

Looking at Luke, chapter 1 (the declaration) and 19 (the missed opportunity), we see the propechied promise of hope by John the baptist's father, Zechariah, and it's devastating lack of fulfillment in those with whom it was meant for, all because they rejected their "opportune time" to repent. It would result in their destruction by their

In Luke 7:11-16 we read of the time when Jesus raised the dead. A young man was in a coffin that He touched. The Greek for coffin is "soros." I'll let you make the connection...

Thayer's Greek Lexicon defines it as "an urn or receptacle for keeping the bones of the dead." Uhmmm...

Let's look at "the rest of the story" after the very familiar passage from 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 which is a call to God's people, Christians, to make the connection between our sin and the conditions within our land.

Within the final moments of Samson's life I see a picture, in type of the American church. He repented and asked the Lord to remember him and strengthen him one last time to avenge himself on those who gouged out his eyes. In his final push against the pillars that upheld their house, he brought it down.

@sinbach Thanks! Good to be on here. Still trying to figure it out, though. Probably will take me a little while. Keep up the good work bro. I appreciate you guys very much. You're a great encouragement to me.

Hello dingdash brothers and sisters!!! This is my first post on here. Got connected with BTJ years ago. Praise God for the "great and mighty" things He is doing through them. Also praise God for the warriors He is about to release in our nation for His name's sake. The "nobody's" are coming out of their closet! I just started making some videos. Pray they bless someone who needs some encouragement. Remember, our God has the last word!!!

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